Papanasam is Tamil drama thriller film written and directed by Jeethu Joseph and starring Kamal Haasan and Gautami Tadimalla. The film is a remake of Jeethu's 2013 Malayalam blockbuster Drishyam which starred Mohanlal and Meena in the roles now portrayed by Hasan and Tadimalla respectively. The film also features Asha Sarath, Anant Mahadevan, Kalabhavan Mani and Niveda Thomas. Film released on 3 July 2015.
We rating the film 4.5 out of 5,It is Brilliant Thriller must be Watched. Papanasam is a winning script and retaining Jeethu Joseph has helped immensely. But when a performer called Kamal Haasan takes up such a project, magic on screen is rest assured.
Papanasam is an uncompromising effort. Jeethu Joseph's golden script must be lauded for working in every language that it has been tried in, for Papanasam is a belter in terms of its paperwork. You cannot ask for a better actor than Kamal Haasan to play the lead role in Tamil. And yes, you cannot ask for a better reason to go watch this film.
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