Maari is a Tamil action comedy film written & directed by Balaji Mohan starring Dhanush and Kajal Aggarwal in the lead roles. The film is produced by Listin Stephen and Raadhika Sarathkumar under the banner of Magic Frames and co produced by Dhanush himself under the banner Wunderbar Films. Anirudh Ravichander composed the film's soundtrack and score while Om Prakash undertook the film's cinematography.
Maari, Dhanush is local rowdy. His lean physique and unimpressive looks lend themselves to an anti-social element who lives by demanding his "hafta" from shopkeepers and generally playing "dada". When Kajal Aggarwal's Sridevi sets up a boutique in Maari land -- a lowly Chennai locality -- he demands not just "protection money" but also a share in her profits. "We are partners", he tells a hapless Sridevi -- who despite all the humiliation and harassment she faces from him, begins to get fond him.
With a cop, Vijay Yesudas as Arjun in uniform, challenging Maari on his turf, the pendulum begins to swing wildly from what is righteous to what is absolutely no no. In a scenario such as this, why would any decent girl gravitate towards Maari and not Arjun.
Yesudas appears too conscious of his dashing good looks to sink into a policeman out to cleanse the rotten area -- where Maari breeds and nurtures pigeons for racing. Huge money is involved, and in some ways, he conveys the impression that he is no less than the rich Arabs whose passion for falcons is well known. But Maari's faded lungi and vest snatch us out of this fancy picture.
Yes, Dhanush has to guts to play a man with many shades of grey, his looks blending with the character. Perhaps, he knows that it may not be easy for him to be the conventional hero. But this is the hero the masses appear to adore, and the film cherishes and celebrates the anti-social in society -- a disturbing trend though in Tamil cinema
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